Vulnerability Bulletins

MSA-19-0018: JavaScript injection possible in some Mustache templates via recursive rendering from contexts

System information

Affected software PHP


by Michael Hawkins. Mustache helper tags that were included in template contexts were not being escaped before that context was injected into another Mustache helper, which could result in script injection in some templates.Severity/Risk:SeriousVersions affected:3.7 to 3.7.1, 3.6 to 3.6.5, 3.5 to 3.5.7 and earlier unsupported versionsVersions fixed:3.7.2, 3.6.6 and 3.5.8Reported by:Sam Hemelryk, Andrew NicolsCVE identifier:CVE-2019-14827Changes

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Standar resources

Property Value
CVE CVE-2019-14827.

Version history

Version Comments Date
1.0 Advisory issued 2019-09-17
Ministerio de Defensa