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Información general info
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Grupo EGC egc

Clave PGP Descargar  (común a todas las cuentas de correo anteriores)

FINGERPRINT 4607 4344 7BCB 9C8D A704 C1A6 4B20 59FC 43AF 7AA0




Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 0F3C 56B5 46D8 C537 BEAE A542 734C C1A4 37CB D516

Gestión de Incidentes


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 972B 04EC E24A 2C61 0E8D 1D4F C291 E8E1 348B ABEC



Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 2572 E405 9318 AE62 FC88 EA3E 564A 077F EB37 7697



Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 6937 87FB 274E 0069 CEF5 37F3 1133 90E9 0C9B 5396



Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT E6B7 2528 BAA4 DABE B9F4 F192 8E0B 23A4 EEB8 6D45



Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 91C7 A070 B0DC BB22 8A5B AB9A 248E F43F D555 AA96

Herramienta CARMEN


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT CCFE 30F5 2D0D 60BB 6C8C F1E4 CC65 C901 8DE2 B669

Herramienta CLARA


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 396D 3BA4 871E 97D0 0FBA 5466 BB28 1290 602B 0386

Herramienta GLORIA


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 4A33 2C72 0C79 E1B3 BDE6 724D E865 A079 0571 A2B4

Herramienta INES


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT F211 5080 7C09 F641 F8E9 C0FE 71CC 57B0 6ED4 ECD2

Herramienta LUCIA


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 35FF 941E 4B99 5E63 6DE2 FE03 5DEF 5388 47CD 093A

Herramienta MARTA


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 53DB 53CF 6FCC 5226 C158 A2F1 BD3D F578 E805 1B3C

Herramienta REYES


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 5F9B 0A27 E5E6 B0A1 DFD7 A0BD 1906 C4EF 45D9 D4E8

Herramienta ROCIO


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 0787 0519 182C E276 88F5 A8CD E4C6 8CFD 2920 E114

Acreditaciones de Seguridad


Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 49ED BC16 987F 1E6E 9A82 7FCE 9A61 0503 4E2D 4D6A



Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 2EF6 D5F4 7796 11CE 92C8 E423 2198 B80C D5FD 2D91



Clave PGP Descargar

FINGERPRINT 1065 C6DC 580E 38C7 AAB2 6C00 F061 6217 D933 567F



Gestión portal

Soporte Portal Web



Centro Criptológico Nacional  

C/Argentona, 30

28023 MADRID

The intensity and sophistication of surgically precise cyber attacks targeting companies with the aim of stealing information and carrying out industrial cyber espionage is increasing every day. The high cost of these attacks in terms of finance, as well as of image, stability and services, together with the major impact that they have on the society have turned cybersecurity into one of the main challenges for governments throughout the world, and for the Spanish government. This especially applies to cyber attacks against strategic companies and organizations that are key for the national security and economy at large (defense, energy, finance, health, CIS, chemicals, transport etc.)

In order to promote public-private cooperation to harmonize initiatives and foster information exchange, the CCN-CERT provides strategic companies with an array of services useful to counter emerging cyber threats efficiently. Actually, the Spanish Government’s CERT, in compliance with the legislation in force, is the competent authority to counter cyber attacks on classified systems, systems of the Public Administration, as well as of companies from strategic sectors.

Therefore, the CCN-CERT must provide all the necessary support to protect the Spanish technological heritage in order to minimize the threat by providing information and technical support to assist companies in facing this serious risk.

All companies belonging to a strategic sector can contact the CCN-CERT and, based on a cooperation agreement, have access to the following range of services.

Tool to analyze technical security features set out by the Royal Decree 3/2010 regulating the National Security Scheme within the Electronic Administration framework. The compliance analysis is based on security rules provided by the security template application, pursuant to the guides CCN-STIC 850A, 850B, 851B, 870A, 870B, 570A, 570B,599A18, 599B18, 599A19, 599B19, 619 and 619B.

The application scope of these templates is very varied, and their application depends on the peculiarities and functionalities of the services rendered by the different organizations. Therefore, security regulations and templates have been generated to set general security guidelines to ensure compliance with the minimum ENS requirements. Nevertheless, the different organizations shall take into consideration the fact that the defined templates may have been modified to be adapted to their operational needs.

The application consists of CLARA ENS (version 32 and 64 bits), for independent analysis in Microsoft Windows environments and CLARA ENS LINUX for Linux environments.

The compliance analysis tool exclusively runs on Windows/Linux in the versions of client, server, member of a domain or independently. The versions supported by this first version are the following ones:


  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016


  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 8
  • RedHat 7
  • RedHat 8


CLARA ENS [Download] Contraseña: CLARA | Firma SHA [Download]

CLARA ENS Linux [Descarga] Contraseña: CLARA | Firma SHA [Descarga]



Clave PGP Download

FINGERPRINT 396D 3BA4 871E 97D0 0FBA 5466 BB28 1290 602B 0386

Ministerio de Defensa