Boletines de Vulnerabilidades

CVE-2022-0778 awareness

Información sobre el sistema

Software afectado AmazonWS


Initial Publication Date: 2022/03/17 20:42 PST AWS is aware of an issue present in OpenSSL versions 1.0.2, 1.1.1, and 3.0 in which a certificate containing invalid explicit curve parameters can cause denial of service (DoS) by triggering an infinite logic loop. This issue was eliminated in the releases of OpenSSL 1.0.2zd, 1.1.1n, and 3.0.2. AWS is aware of this issue and is actively investigating for impact to AWS services.

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Identificadores estándar

Propiedad Valor
CVE CVE-2022-0778.

Histórico de versiones

Versión Comentario Data
1.0 Advisory issued 2022-03-19
Ministerio de Defensa