Boletines de Vulnerabilidades

IBM Security Bulletin: DoS vulnerability in bundled Apache Commons FileUpload JAR used by Web Experience Factory, Websphere Dashboard Framework, and Lotus Widget Factory.

Información sobre el sistema

Software afectado IBM


A DoS vulnerability has been disclosed in the version of Apache Commons FileUpload JAR bundled with Web Experience Factory (WEF) and Lotus Widget Factory (LWF). This vulnerability also applies to WebSphere Dashboard Framework (WDF) which is an extension of WEF. CVE(s): CVE-2014-0050 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): All versions of Web Experience Factory, WebSphere Dashboard Framework, and Lotus Widget Factory. Refer to the following reference URLs for remediation and

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Identificadores estándar

Propiedad Valor
CVE CVE-2014-0050 ,CVE-2014-0411 ,CVE-2012-2159 and CVE-2012-2161.

Histórico de versiones

Versión Comentario Fecha
1.0 Advisory issued 2014-05-24

Miembros de

Ministerio de Defensa