Boletines de Vulnerabilidades

Fusion 11.5.2 Incomplete Fix – CVE-2020-3950

Información sobre el sistema

Software afectado VMWare


Greetings from VMware Security Response Center. Today, we would like to make you aware that the fix for CVE-2020-3950 in Fusion 11.5.2 is incomplete and addresses the issue partially. VMware security advisory VMSA-2020-0005 has been updated with instructions that complete the fix for Fusion 11.5.2. To remediate this issue completely, these instructions need to be The post Fusion 11.5.2 Incomplete Fix – CVE-2020-3950 appeared first on Security & Compliance Blog.

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Identificadores estándar

Propiedad Valor
CVE CVE-2020-3950 and VMSA-2020-0005.

Histórico de versiones

Versión Comentario Fecha
1.0 Advisory issued 2020-07-25

Miembros de

Ministerio de Defensa