War Dialer

War Dialer

Barrido automatizado de números de teléfono. Se buscan números a los que respondan equipos informáticos, con ánimo de identificar puntos de ataque para intentar penetrar en el sistema.

(en) war dialer

(I) /slang/ A computer program that automatically dials a series of telephone numbers to find lines connected to computer systems, and catalogs those numbers so that a cracker can try to break the systems. [RFC4949:2007]

(en) War Dialer

A computer program that automatically dials a series of telephone numbers to find lines connected to computer systems, and catalogs those numbers so that a cracker can try to break into the systems.


(en) War Dialing

War dialing is a simple means of trying to identify modems in a telephone exchange that may be susceptible to compromise in an attempt to circumvent perimeter security.


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