

·         Activo


Cualidad que poseen algunas realidades, consideradas bienes, por lo cual son estimables.

DRAE. Diccionario de la Lengua Española.

Valor (de un activo)

Es una estimación del coste inducido por la materialización de una amenaza. [Magerit:2012]

Valor acumulado

Considera tanto el valor propio de un activo como el valor de los activos que dependen de él. [Magerit:2012]

(en) Value

The quality of being useful or important.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

(en) Value

relative worth, utility, or importance.


(en) information value

A qualitative measure of the importance of the information based upon factors such as: level of robustness of the Information Assurance controls allocated to the protection of information based upon: mission criticality, the sensitivity (e.g., classification and compartmentalization) of the information, releasability to other countries, perishability/longevity of the information (e.g., short life data versus long life intelligence source data), and potential impact of loss of confidentiality and integrity and/or availability of the information. [CNSSI_4009:2010]

(en) Asset value

The perceived or intrinsic worth of an asset.

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