Texto cifrado


·         Criptograma

Texto cifrado

1. Datos ininteligibles producidos mediante cifrado (ISO-7498-2).

2. Datos que no pueden ser interpretados como la expresión de un lenguaje natural o artificial sin el uso de la criptografía.

Aunque usualmente se considera sinónimo de criptograma, este último pone el acento en la transmisión, mientras que texto cifrado enfatiza el simple resultado de cifrar sin ulterior preparación para la transmisión.


Texto cifrado o cripto

Texto resultante de aplicar un procedimiento de cifrado a un texto claro. [CESID:1997]

(en) Cipher text / ciphertext

Data in its encrypted form. [CNSSI_4009:2010]

(en) cipher text

1. (I) /noun/ Data that has been transformed by encryption so that its semantic information content (i.e., its meaning) is no longer intelligible or directly available. (See: ciphertext. Compare: clear text, plain text.)

2. (O) "Data produced through the use of encipherment. The semantic content of the resulting data is not available." [ISO-7498-2]


(en) Ciphertext

Data in its encrypted form. [NIST-SP800-57:2007]

(en) ciphertext

data which has been transformed to hide its information content. [ISO/IEC ISO-9798-1:1997] [ISO-18033-2:2006] [ISO-18033-3:2005]

(en) Ciphertext

Data which has been transformed to hide its information content. [ISO-9798-1:1997]

(en) Ciphertext

Data produced through the use of encipherment. The semantic content of the resulting data is not available.

NOTE. Ciphertext may itself be input to encipherment, such that super-enciphered output is produced.


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