Seguridad técnica


·         Seguridad

Seguridad técnica

Conjunto de técnicas y controles de seguridad que se implementan en el interior de los propios equipos y sistemas de tecnologías de la información, sea en el hardware o sea en el software, para proteger, principalmente, los programas y los datos que procesan, almacenan y transmiten, aunque en ocasiones también prevengan de las amenazas sobre el  propio hardware.

Por prevenir de los ataques al hardware y al software es preferible al término seguridad técnica al de seguridad lógica, que algunos emplean.


(en) technical security

(I) Security mechanisms and procedures that are implemented in and executed by computer hardware, firmware, or software to provide automated protection for a system. (See: security architecture. Compare: administrative security.) [RFC4949:2007]

(en) Technical Security

The discovery, elimination, and mitigation of security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by technical means. It includes all facets of security that involve the detection and/or neutralization of technical collection threats or the application of security technology; the traditional fields of TEMPEST and technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM); and extends to new techniques, technology, and instrumentation that may allow exploitation of security vulnerabilities by technical means. [NSA/CSS REG 90-6]

(en) Technical Security Evaluation (TSE)

An evaluation of all factors related to potential vulnerabilities of technical penetration of a facility, system, network, product, or equipment. Typical considerations include security against acoustical, optical, audio frequency, radio frequency, and other methods of penetration as well as adequacy of electronic protection. A TSE includes TSCM, TEMPEST, and TEAPOT considerations. [NSA/CSS REG 90-6]

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