Puerta encubierta


·         Puerta trasera

Puerta encubierta

Mecanismo oculto que permite acceder a un sistema obviando los mecanismos autorizados de acceso. Algunos programadores introducen estas vías de acceso, no especificadas en el producto, para posteriormente poder acceder directamente al sistema.

(en) trap door

1. A means of reading cryptographically protected information by the use of private knowledge of weaknesses in the cryptographic algorithm used to protect the data. See also back door.

2. In cryptography, one-to-one function that is easy to compute in one direction, yet believed to be difficult to invert without special information.


(en) trap door

A hidden software or hardware mechanism that can be triggered to permit system protection mechanisms to be circumvented in some innocent-appearing manner; e.g., a special "random" key sequence at a keyboard. Software developers often introduce trap doors in their code to enable them to reenter the system and perform certain functions.

Synonymous with back door.


(en) Trap door

A hidden software or hardware mechanism that permits system protection mechanisms to be circumvented. It is activated in some non-apparent manner (e.g., special "random" key sequence at a terminal). [TCSEC:1985]

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