Personal interno


·         Perímetro de seguridad

·         Agente externo

Personal interno

Personas con acceso al sistema desde dentro del perímetro de seguridad. Es decir, con cierta autorización para el acceso.

(en) insider

1. (I) A user (usually a person) that accesses a system from a position that is inside the system's security perimeter. (Compare: authorized user, outsider, unauthorized user.)

2. (O) A person with authorized physical access to the system. Example: In this sense, an office janitor is an insider, but a burglar or casual visitor is not. [NRC98]

3. (O) A person with an organizational status that causes the system or members of the organization to view access requests as being authorized. Example: In this sense, a purchasing agent is an insider but a vendor is not. [NRC98]


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