
·         Cifrado en bloque

·         Criptografía de clave secreta

·         https://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/nessie/

·         http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2994

·         KASUMI

·         [ISO-18033-3:2005]

·         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MISTY1


Algoritmo de cifra basado en un secreto compartido (clave). Cifra el texto en bloques de 64 bits. Utiliza claves de 128 bits.

(en) MISTY

In cryptography, MISTY1 (or MISTY-1) is a block cipher designed in 1995 by Mitsuru Matsui and others for Mitsubishi Electric. MISTY1 is one of the selected algorithms in the European NESSIE project, and has been recommended for Japanese government use by the CRYPTREC project. KASUMI is a strengthened version of the MISTY1 cipher and has been adopted as the standard encryption algorithm for European mobile phones. In 2005, KASUMI was broken, but there is no practical attack against it yet; see the article for more details.


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