IPsec - IP security

Acrónimos: IPsec


·         Red privada virtual

·         AH - Authentication Header

·         ESP - Encapsulating Security Payload

·         http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4301

·         Asociación de seguridad (SA)

·         IKE - Internet Key Exchange

·         ISAKMP - Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol

·         Oakley

IPsec - IP security

IPsec es una colección de mecanismos de protección que extienden los paquetes IP para proporcionar servicios de control de acceso, integridad, autenticación de origen, detección y rechazo de duplicados y confidencialidad.

(en) IP Security (IPSec)

Suite of protocols for securing Internet Protocol (IP) communications at the network layer, layer 3 of the OSI model by authenticating and/or encrypting each IP packet in a data stream. IPSec also includes protocols for cryptographic key establishment. [CNSSI_4009:2010]

(en) IP Security Protocol (IPsec)

1a. (I) The name of the IETF working group that is specifying an architecture [R2401, R4301] and set of protocols to provide security services for IP traffic. (See: AH, ESP, IKE, SAD, SPD. Compare: IPSO.) 1b. (I) A collective name for the IP security architecture [R4301] and associated set of protocols (primarily AH, ESP, and IKE). [RFC4949:2007]

(en) IPsec - IP security

IPsec is designed to provide interoperable, high quality, cryptographically-based security for IPv4 and IPv6.  The set of security services offered includes access control, connectionless integrity, data origin authentication, detection and rejection of replays (a form of partial sequence integrity), confidentiality (via encryption), and limited traffic flow confidentiality.  These services are provided at the IP layer, offering protection in a standard fashion for all protocols that may be carried over IP (including IP itself).

(fr) IPsec (IP SECurity)

Protocole de communication sécurisé basé sur IP permettant de d'assurer de la confidentialité et l'intégrité des paquets échangés.


(fr) IPSEC - Internet Protocol SECurity.

IPSEC est un ensemble de protocoles normalisés sous la conduite de l'IETF, afin d'améliorer la sécurité du protocole IPv4 (natif en IPv6) face aux attaques de type écoute (IP-sniffing), usurpation d'identité (IP-spoofing), prédiction de séquences de paquets, re-jeu de trafic...

IPSEC garantit l'authenticité, l'intégrité, la confidentialité et le non-re-jeu des paquets IP échangés de bout en bout entre deux entités en s'appuyant sur les techniques de cryptographie asymétrique.

IPSEC définit principalement:

·         Deux protocoles d'encapsulation sécurisée: AH (Authentication Header) et ESP (Encryption Security Payload).

·         Deux structures de gestion de la sécurité par les protagonistes de la communication IPSEC: SA (Security Association) et SPD (Security Policy Database).

·         Des procédures d'échange et de gestion des clés: IKE (Internet Key Exchange).


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