

·         Datos

·         Información

·         Agregación de datos


El producto resultante de la recolección, evaluación, análisis, integración e interpretación de toda la información disponible, y que es inmediatamente o potencialmente significativa para la planificación y las operaciones.

Inteligencia Empresarial

La Inteligencia Empresarial (IE) se refiere a los sistemas y aplicaciones que se utilizan en forma colectiva para consolidar, almacenar y analizar datos corporativos por motivos de informes y toma de decisiones. La IE ayuda a que los negocios comprendan la salud actual de la organización, así como que sean capaces de analizar el pasado para hacer mejores decisiones.

(en) Intelligence.

The product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of all available information, that concerns one or more aspects of foreign nations or of areas of foreign operations, and that is immediately or potentially significant to military planning and operations [DoD 5220:2006]

(en) Intelligence


·         the product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign countries or areas; or

·         information and knowledge about an adversary obtained through observation, investigation, analysis, or understanding. The term 'intelligence' includes foreign intelligence and counterintelligence.


(en) Intelligence

is information valued for its currency and relevance rather than its detail or accuracy in contrast with "data" which typically refers to precise or particular information, or "fact," which typically refers to verified information. Sometimes called "active data" or "active intelligence", these typically regard the current plans, decisions, and actions of people, as these may have urgency or may otherwise be considered "valuable" from the point of view of the intelligence-gathering organization. Active intelligence is treated as a constantly mutable component, or variable, within a larger equasion of understanding the secret, covert, or otherwise private "intelligence" of an opponent, or competitor, to answer questions or obtain advance warning of events and movements deemed to be important or otherwise relevant.

As used by intelligence agencies and related services, "intelligence" refers integrally to both active data as well as the process and the result of gathering and analyzing such information, as these together form a cohesive network (cf. "hive mind"). In a sense, this usage of "intelligence" at the national level may be somewhat associated with the concept of social intelligence albeit one which is tied to localized or nationalist tradition, politics, law, and the enforcement therof.

(en) Intelligence

Information about an enemy that has been studied for its importance and accuracy, and provided to warfighters and decision makers.

(en) COMINT (Communications Intelligence)

Technical and intelligence information gathered from foreign communications by other than the intended recipients.

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