Generación de claves


·         Clave

·         Clave criptográfica

Generador de claves

Equipo criptográfico usado para generar claves criptográficas y, si es necesario, vectores de iniciación (ISO-8732, CD 11166). [Ribagorda:1997]

Generador de claves

Dispositivo o algoritmo que produce una secuencia pseudoaleatoria de claves. [CESID:1997]

(en) key generation

(I) A process that creates the sequence of symbols that comprise a cryptographic key. (See: key management.) [RFC4949:2007]

(en) key generator

1. (I) An algorithm that uses mathematical rules to deterministically produce a pseudorandom sequence of cryptographic key values.

2. (I) An encryption device that incorporates a key-generation mechanism and applies the key to plain text to produce cipher text (e.g., by exclusive OR-ing (a) a bit-string representation of the key with (b) a bit-string representation of the plaintext).


(en) key generation algorithm

method for generating asymmetric key pairs. [ISO-18033-2:2006]

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