

·         Prueba

·         Criterios comunes


Certeza clara y manifiesta de la que no se puede dudar.

DRAE. Diccionario de la Lengua Española.


Información que, por sí misma, o en combinación con otra información, se utiliza para probar algo.

Nota: una evidencia por sí misma no necesariamente prueba la certeza o existencia de algo; pero ayuda a establecer la prueba.

(en) evidence

the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that sth is true.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

(en) evidence

directly measurable characteristics of a process and/or product that represent objective, demonstrable proof that a specific activity satisfies a specified requirement. [ISO-21827:2007]

(en) CM evidence

everything that may be used to establish confidence in the correct operation of the CM system, e.g., CM output, rationales provided by the developer, observations, experiments or interviews made by the evaluator during a site visit.

CM - Configuration Management


(en) Evidence

Information either by itself, or in conjuction with other information, is used to establish proof about an event or action.

NOTE. Evidence does not necessarily prove truth or existence of something (see proof) but contributes to establish proof.


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