Escáner de vulnerabilidades


·         Vulnerabilidad

·         Evaluación de vulnerabilidad

·         Análisis de vulnerabilidades

·         Ataque controlado

·         Pruebas de penetración

·         SATAN - Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks

Escáner de vulnerabilidades

Programa que analiza un sistema buscando vulnerabilidades. Utiliza una base de datos de defectos conocidos y determina si el sistema bajo examen es vulnerable o no.

Análisis de seguridad de la red

Proceso mediante el cual se buscan vulnerabilidades en los sistemas de una entidad de manera remota a través del uso de herramientas manuales o automatizadas. Análisis de seguridad que incluyen la exploración de sistemas internos y externos, así como la generación de informes sobre los servicios expuestos a la red. Los análisis pueden identificar vulnerabilidades en sistemas operativos, servicios y dispositivos que pudieran utilizar personas malintencionadas.

(en) Network Security Scan

Process by which an entity’s systems are remotely checked for vulnerabilities through use of manual or automated tools. Security scans that include probing internal and external systems and reporting on services exposed to the network. Scans may identify vulnerabilities in operating systems, services, and devices that could be used by malicious individuals.

(en) Vulnerability scanner

A vulnerability scanner is a program that performs the diagnostic phase of a vulnerability analysis, also known as vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability analysis defines, identifies, and classifies the security holes (vulnerabilities) in a computer, server, network, or communications infrastructure. In addition, vulnerability analysis can forecast the effectiveness of proposed countermeasures, and evaluate how well they work after they are put into use.

A vulnerability scanner relies on a database that contains all the information required to check a system for security holes in services and ports, anomalies in packet construction, and potential paths to exploitable programs or scripts. Then the scanner tries to exploit each vulnerability that is discovered. This process is sometimes called ethical hacking.

(en) Web Application Vulnerability Scanner

An automated security program that searches for software vulnerabilities within web applications.

(en) vulnerability scanning

The practice of scanning for and identifying known vulnerabilities of computing systems on a computer network. Since vulnerability scanning is an informationgathering process, when performed by unknown individuals it is considered a prelude to attack.

D. Schweitzer, 2003, Incident Response: Computer Forensics Toolkit

(fr) Analyse de sécurité du réseau

Processus par lequel les systèmes d’une entité sont vérifiés à distance pour déceler d’éventuelles vulnérabilités à l’aide d’outils manuels ou automatisés. Les analyses de sécurité comprennent la vérification des systèmes internes et externes, ainsi que le rapport sur les services exposés au réseau. Les analyses permettent d’identifier les vulnérabilités des systèmes d’exploitation, des services et des dispositifs susceptibles d’être utilisés par des individus malveillants.

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