Detección de anomalías


·         Sistema de detección de intrusiones

Detección de anomalía

Detección basada en la actividad de Sistema que coincide con la definida como anormal. [CCN-STIC-432:2006]

Detección de anomalías

Detección de desviaciones de lo que sería el comportamiento esperado de algo. Para que funcione es necesario definir previamente qué comportamiento cabe caracterizar como "normal" y así poder identificar desviaciones. La definición previa puede ser una especificación, o resultado de un proceso de aprendizaje tutelado.

(en) anomaly detection

(I) An intrusion detection method that searches for activity that is different from the normal behavior of system entities and system resources. (See: IDS. Compare: misuse detection.) [RFC4949:2007]

(en) Anomaly-Based Detection

The process of comparing definitions of what activity is considered normal against observed events to identify significant deviations. [NIST-SP800-94:2007]

(en) Anomaly Detection

Detects any unacceptable deviation from expected behavior. A profile of expected behavior is defined in advance, either manually or automatically. Software that collects and processes characteristics of system behavior over time and forms a statistically valid sample of such behavior is used to create automatically-developed profiles.  Some of these deviations do not require further examination and some do.  An anomaly might include

·         Users logging on at strange hours or from unfamiliar sites on the network.

·         Unexplained reboots or changes to system clocks.

·         Unusual error messages from mailers, daemons, or other servers.

·         Multiple, failed logon attempts with bad passwords.

·         Unauthorized use of the /su /command to gain UNIX root access.

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