

(Operación del Servicio) Advertencia de que se ha superado un umbral, de que algo ha cambiado, o de que hubo un Fallo. De forma regular, las Alertas se crean y gestionan con herramientas de Gestión de Sistemas y administradas por el Proceso de Gestión de Eventos. [ITIL:2007]


Notificación de que el sistema de información es objeto de un ataque.

(en) alert

NotifNotification that a specific attack has been directed at an organization’s information systems. [CNSSI_4009:2010]

(en) Alert

(Service Operation) A warning that a threshold has been reached, something has changed, or a Failure has occurred. Alerts are often created and managed by System Management tools and are managed by the Event Management Process. [ITIL:2007]

(en) Alert

A notification of an important observed event. [NIST-SP800-94:2007]

(en) Alert

an "instant" indication that an information system and network may be under attack, or in danger because of accident, failure or people error. [ISO-18028-1:2006]

(fr) Alerte

(Exploitation de Services) Avertissement qu’un seuil a été atteint, que quelque chose a changé, ou qu’une panne s’est produite. Les avertissements sont souvent créés et gérés par les outils de Gestion du Système et sont gérés par le Processus de Gestion des Événements. [ITIL:2007]

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