Cifrado masivo

Cifrado masivo

Proceso de cifrado en el cual un único dispositivo criptográfico cifra dos o más canales de un sistema de telecomunicación. [Ribagorda:1997]

Cifrado de grupo o masivo

Cifrado simultáneo de todos los canales del multicanal de un enlace. [CESID:1997]

(en) bulk encryption

Simultaneous encryption of all channels of a multi-channel telecommunications link- [CNSSI_4009:2010]

(en) bulk encryption

1. (I) Encryption of multiple channels by aggregating them into a single transfer path and then encrypting that path. (See: channel.)

2. (O) "Simultaneous encryption of all channels of a multichannel telecommunications link." [C4009] (Compare: bulk keying material.)


(en) Bulk encryption

Simultaneous encryption of all channels of a multichannel telecommunications link. [CNSSI_4009:2010]

(en) Bulk encryption

Simultaneous encryption of all channels of a multichannel telecommunications link.

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