Apreciación de los riesgos


·         Riesgo

·         Evaluación de riesgos

apreciación del riesgo

proceso global que comprende la identificación del riesgo, el análisis del riesgo y la evaluación del riesgo. [UNE-ISO GUÍA 73:2010]

[UNE-ISO/IEC 27000:2014]

apreciación del riesgo

Proceso global que comprende la identificación del riesgo, el análisis del riesgo y la evaluación del riesgo [UNE Guía 73:2010]

Análisis de riesgos / Evaluación de riesgos

Proceso que identifica los recursos valiosos de un sistema y sus amenazas; cuantifica la exposición a pérdida (es decir, el potencial de pérdida) según frecuencias estimadas y costos derivados por siniestros; y, opcionalmente, recomienda el modo de asignar recursos como medidas preventivas que minimicen el índice total de exposición.


Gravamen de Riesgo

Los pasos iniciales de la Gestión de Riesgos. Al analizar el valor de los Activos del negocio, identificando Amenazas a esos Activos, y evaluando cuan Vulnerable cada Activo es a esas Amenazas. El Gravamen de Riesgo puede ser cuantitativo (basado en información numérica) o cualitativa. [ITIL:2007]

(en) risk assessment

overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation [ISO Guide 73:2009]

[ISO/IEC 27000:2014]

(en) risk assessment

overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation [ISO Guide 73:2009]

(en) Risk Assessment

The process of identifying risks to organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation, resulting from the operation of an information system. Part of risk management, incorporates threat and vulnerability analyses, and considers mitigations provided by security controls planned or in place. Synonymous with risk analysis. [NIST-SP800-53:2013]

(en) Risk assessment

The process of identifying, prioritizing, and estimating risks. This includes determining the extent to which adverse circumstances or events could impact an enterprise. Uses the results of threat and vulnerability assessments to identify risk to organizational operations and evaluates those risks in terms of likelihood of occurrence and impacts if they occur. The product of a risk assessment is a list of estimated, potential impacts and unmitigated vulnerabilities. Risk assessment is part of risk management and is conducted throughout the Risk Management Framework (RMF).

NIST SP 800-53: The process of identifying risks to organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation, resulting from the operation of an information system.

Part of risk management, incorporates threat and vulnerability analyses, and considers mitigations provided by security controls planned or in place. Synonymous with risk analysis. 



product or process which collects information and assigns values to risks for the purpose of informing priorities, developing or comparing courses of action, and informing decision making

Extended Definition: appraisal of the risks facing an entity, asset, system, network, geographic area or other grouping Annotation: A risk assessment can be the resulting product created through analysis of the component parts of risk.

DHS Risk Lexicon, September 2008


set of methods, principles, or rules for assessing risk based on non-numerical categories or levels

DHS Risk Lexicon, September 2008


set of methods, principles, or rules for assessing risks based on the use of numbers where the meanings and proportionality of values are maintained inside and outside the context of the assessment

Annotation: While a semi-quantitative methodology also involves the use of numbers, only a purely quantitative methodology uses numbers in a way that allows for the consistent use of values outside the context of the assessment.

DHS Risk Lexicon, September 2008


Definition: set of methods, principles, or rules to assess risk that uses bins, scales, or representative numbers whose values and meanings are not maintained in other contexts

Example: By giving the "low risk, "medium risk," and "high risk" categories corresponding numerical values, the assessor used a semi-quantitative risk assessment methodology.

Annotation: While numbers may be used in a semi-quantitative methodology, the values are not applicable outside of the methodology, and numerical results from one methodology cannot be compared with those from other methodologies.

DHS Risk Lexicon, September 2008

(en) Risk Assessment

The initial steps of Risk Management. Analysing the value of Assets to the business, identifying Threats to those Assets, and evaluating how Vulnerable each Asset is to those Threats. Risk Assessment can be quantitative (based on numerical data) or qualitative. [ITIL:2007]

(en) Risk assessment

A study of vulnerabilities, threats, likelihood, loss or impact, and theoretical effectiveness of security measures. The process of evaluating threats and vulnerabilities, known and postulated, to determine expected loss and establish the degree of acceptability to system operations. [TDIR:2003]

(en) Risk Analysis / Risk Assessment:

Process that identifies valuable system resources and threats; quantifies loss exposures (that is, loss potential) based on estimated frequencies and costs of occurrence; and (optionally) recommends how to allocate resources to countermeasures so as to minimize total exposure.


(en) Risk assessment

Process of evaluating the risks of information loss based on an analysis of threats to, and vulnerabilities of, a system, operation or activity.


Risk Analysis

For the purpose of this handbook, risk analysis is defined as the probabilistic assessment of performance such that the probability of not meeting a particular performance commitment can be quantified.

NASA Risk Management Handbook, NASA/SP-2011-3422, Version 1.0, November 2011

(fr) appréciation du risque

ensemble du processus d'identification des risques, d'analyse du risque et d'évaluation du risque [ISO Guide 73:2009]

(fr) Analyse / Évaluation des risques

Processus identifiant systématiquement les ressources système précieuses et les menaces qui leur sont associées. Ce processus quantifie l’exposition aux pertes (pertes éventuelles) en fonction de la fréquence et des coûts d’occurrence estimés, et (en option) recommande la manière d’affecter des ressources aux contre-mesures dans le but de réduire l’exposition totale.


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